Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Rachid Guerraoui, Professor, 1 month from EPFL, Switzerland.

  • Kenji Kono, Professor, 3 months from University Keio, Japan.

  • David Lo, Assistant Professor, 1 week, and Yuan Tian, PhD student, 1 month, both from Singapore Management University, in the context of a Merlion France-Singapore collaboration grant.

  • Luis R. Rodriguez, 2 months, from Qualcomm, USA.


  • Dang Nhan Nguyen
    • Subject: Scalable old-generation garbage collection for NUMA multicores.

    • Date: from Jan 2013 until Jun 2013

    • Institution: Chalmers U. (Sweden)

  • Mudit Verma
    • Subject: Relaxed synchronization for library datatypes in NUMA multicores.

    • Date: from Jan 2013 until Jun 2013

    • Institution: Int. Masters in Distr. Computing / KTH (Sweden)

  • Burcu Külahçioglu Özkan
    • Subject: Verifying distributed systems based on CRDTs

    • Date: from Jan 2013 until Jun 2013

    • Institution: Koç U., Turquie.

Visits to International Teams

  • Julia Lawall, 2 weeks, to Singapore Management University, in the context of a Merlion France-Singapore collaboration grant.